Panchakarma and Its Five Therapies in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian method of curing human being diseases. It's now followed by all over the world. The basic meaning of Ayurveda is Science of Life because the word itself made of two words one is "Ayu" and the other one is "Veda". "Ayu" means Life and "Veda" means Science. Medicines use by Ayurvedic doctors are made of natural things and the chance of side effects is rarest. It's one of the most usable Alternative medicine in the world.
Ayurveda- Science of Life

Panchkarma is one the most effective healing modality in Ayurvedic Medicine. Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word that means “five actions” or “five treatments".
Panchakarma Treatment

Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic body toxin removable technique. According to Ayurvedic concepts, complete cleaning of body toxins is very important before going for any other ayurvedic therapy. It comprises five therapies. As we wash clothes properly before giving him new color, similarly our body needs to be cleaned before coloring it with new colors of vigor, health, and youthfulness.

Therapies used in this technique are very effective. As you go through the procedure of these five Therapies, gradually you feel so relaxed and happy.  

The Five Therapies used in 'Pancha' 'Karmas' are following:

1. Vaman(Emesis Therapy or vomiting)
Vaman(Emesis Therapy or vomiting)- Panchakarma Treatment

Vaman Therapy is used to clear your body from inside. Through this doctors excrete an excess of mucus from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. Basically, it's done in the morning and before doing Therapy patients eat "kapha" aggravating foods like yogurts, basmati rice, sweets in the night. On the next day in the morning, a drink made of vomiting influencing drugs is given to the patients. This drink triggers vomiting in the patients and the whole "kapha" gets outside. Vaman Therapy is best for Kapha-dominated conditions like jaundice, psoriasis, celiac, colitis, herpes zoster, etc. 

2. Virechan

Virechan - Panchakarma Treatment

Virechan is done by therapeutic techniques. Therapeutic purgation is used to eliminate all toxins from intestine which are harmful to the body. Virechan is mainly used for patients who are suffering from chronic constipation, Acid dyspepsia, Acne, Atonic dyspepsia, bleeding diathesis, etc. 

3. Vasti
Vasti - Panchakarma Treatment

Vasti is also called medicated enema. It is the best technique for treating chronic Vata diseases. Various types of fluids, Oil, Ghee, medicated liquids, etc. are injected into the rectum and it gives best positive results. Vasti is good for Arthritis, Constipation, Convulsion, Dislocation of the knee, Dizziness, Enlarged spleen, Headache.

4. Nasya
Nasya- Panchkarma Treatment

Nasya is therapy is used for clearing and cleansing of the head part of the body. Professionals first give a gentle massage to head and shoulder region then put medicated oil or medicines in both nostrils. This makes the cleaning of the whole head part. It's very useful for the diseases like chronic rhinitis, sleep disorders, migraine, epilepsy, viral catarrh.

5. Raktamokshan
Raktamokshan - Panchakarma Treatment

Raktamokshan is used for cleaning blood and it's very useful in curing diseases that cause due to impure blood. Diseases cured by this procedure are eczema, psoriasis, facial paralysis, hemiplegia, etc.

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  1. thanks for posting the kind information .i am also form the same field sharing

  2. My body always feel refreshing after having Panchakarma treatment.

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